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Own Brands Products which have the status of distributor in Poland.

Shenzhen TG-NET Botone Technology CO Ltd is one of the leading manufacturers of computer networking products in China. NETENGINE offers a full range of TG-NET products.

The company headquarter lies in Shenzhen and business offices are established in main cities all over the country. TG-NET has recently established two research and development centers in Shenzhen and Shanghai, with professional R&D engineer team to develop and improve its technology and products. TG-NET current items cover Ethernet Switches, Power Supply Products, Routers, Wireless Products and Network Security Products.

TG-NET has been always focusing on the innovative and progressive achievements in IT technology field. The company invested 15% of annual sales amount into research and development every year. TG-NET aim cover all basic products in IT networking, IT security and IT management fields, and under this foundation, the company can develop the next generation Internet Solution. The new generation Internet Solution will focus mostly on new generation data center solutions.

TG-NET business principles apply to our activity as well. We strongly believe that business success comes from customer success, sincerity and trustworthiness, open and enterprise, innovation and quality and team work. Guided by these core values, TG-NET has established and kept improving a sound quality management system and enterprise culture system. The company will continuously be committed to become the most outstanding provider of new generation data center in the network communication industry.

Website TG-NET

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